Design Studio

Design Studio
Communicate complex ideas with simplicity using visualisations, interactive media, and bespoke campaign branding. Our studio uses storytelling to translate complex systems, ideas and stories for diverse audiences in a clear and powerful way.
We work alongside you to synthesize and transform your key ideas into an engaging visual story that connects and inspires.
Design services
From interactive films, bespoke apps and website through to ebooks and online magazine, we communicate complex processes and strategies through collaborative technology.
We create infographics, comic strips, storyboards and sequential illustrations that shift mindsets in unforgettable ways.
Your brand is derived from who you are: we will work with you to create an identity with wit and elegance that communicates your messages and values clearly and directly.
Case studies
Founder, Roar Media
Contact us
UK +44 (0) 20 7193 2085
US +1 (310) 651 8758