By Charmayne Chow on Monday, 15 July 2019
Category: Story

Peak performance: How to become an expert at anything

How does any world-class performer become world-class? This question and more were answered in last month's Financial Times 125 Executive Forum in London, where renowned Swedish psychologist, Anders Ericsson, and former Olympic rowing champion, Dame Katherine Grainger, were in conversation with FT Sports Correspondent, Murad Ahmed.

As part of an ongoing partnership with the Financial Times 125 Executive Forum, Ludic Creatives were there to live scribe the lively conversation, capturing insights in real-time to supercharge engagement in the room and also post-event - on social media.

Explore the scribe panel we created. We think you'll be able to understand, in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee, how anyone can think and train to reach the top of their game: 

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